The Program Committee of AICS 2017 invites submissions in the broad areas of Artificial Intelligence and Cognitive Science. Areas of interest include, but are not restricted to:
activity recognition | intelligent agents |
adaptive information systems | knowledge representation & reasoning |
analogical reasoning | machine learning |
attention | machine translation |
autonomic computing | memory |
behaviour epistemology | minds and behaviour |
case-based reasoning | multi-agent modelling |
cognitive modelling | natural language processing |
collective intelligence | neural networks & deep learning |
constraint processing | ontological reasoning |
data mining | opinion mining |
dialogue systems | perception |
dynamical systems modelling | perceptually guided action |
emergent models of social behaviour | planning & scheduling |
approaches to minds and & behaviour | psycholinguistics |
epistemology | question answering |
evolutionary computation | reasoning from linked-data |
game-playing & game AI | recommender systems |
genetic algorithms | semantic web |
graph mining | sentiment analysis |
human computer interaction in AI | social network analysis |
human learning | temporal factors in cognition |
information retrieval | text mining |
visual analytics | visualisation |
We invite three types of submissions. All accepted submissions will appear in online proceedings published at
Important Dates — Full Paper Track, Msc Paper and NECTAR Track
All accepted submissions will be presented at the conference, either orally or as posters, and included in the online conference proceedings. At least one author of each submission will be required to register for, and attend, the conference. All submissions should be made using the EasyChair system online here.
Full papers and MSc student papers should be submitted in Springer LNCS format (single column proceedings), which is also the format required for the final camera-ready copy. A sample LaTeX document in this format is available here.
NECTAR track submissions should consist of a single page with an abstract and reference to the original publication. A sample NECTAR track submission is available here.
Questions regarding submissions should be sent to You can also contact us on Twitter at @aics2017.